Why should cupping be performed?

Why should cupping be performed?

If the blood circulation in the body slows down or is blocked, the body becomes sluggish and constantly feels tired and exhausted.
Cupping is the oldest and fastest-acting method used to remove dirty blood that slows down blood circulation and the inactive system in the body.

One of the most important factors in the wear and tear of the skin is that constant introverted thoughts, sorrow, grief and worry wear out the skin and make a person look older than they are. This is also related to the person's temperament.

As a skin beautifier, cupping therapy is more effective and efficient than many chemical drugs, even the chemical known as botox. It has no harm or side effects like the harms of this chemical. In skin beauty treatment, it is better to have cupping therapy performed by an expert who understands the medical aspects of the job. It is not necessary for the person performing cupping therapy to be a doctor or a nurse. However, if the person performing cupping therapy understands the minimum rules and working principles of cupping therapy, cupping therapy is even more beneficial.

Another effective method in skin beauty treatment is leech therapy. Leech and cupping therapy together give better results. Before applying leech therapy to the face, the person must have had at least 5-6 sessions of cupping therapy.

Because if the amount of toxicity in the patient's blood is high, there is a risk that the leeches applied to the face will leave a mark. For someone who has never had cupping or leeching in their life, the risk of leaving a mark will be minimal after 5-6 sessions of cupping since their blood will be largely cleansed of toxic substances.

There is also the need to attach the right kind of leeches to the appropriate nerves. Another effective method for treating skin wrinkles is regular dhikr. As a person performs dhikr, his aura thickens and his blood circulation becomes regular. His face becomes bright.

Old Havas books write that it is necessary to read the first 7 verses of Surah An-Nur and/or the first 10 verses of Surah Yusuf regularly, 100 times a day, after the evening Isha prayer for skin beauty and wrinkles.

As with all external treatments, if the patient cleanses the liver and intestines immediately after the start of the cupping session, the treatment process will be accelerated and it will be very beneficial.